instrument et électronique

Matías Fernández Rosales Etude d'illusion 1 - Pdf
Pdf Version
For Vibraphone and electronic soundtrack
Duration 10'15
The perfect metronomic time is an illusion.

A utopia that no living being is able to achieve without the help of the machines of regularity : like a metronome, a clock, a calendar or a routine that locks us into monotony.

Unlike the current use that we give to the machines of regularity, here the machine has for objective to make an illusion; the constancy that the interpreter proposes will be altered by micro-variations of tempo, generating improbable and unimaginable rhythmic relations, going until putting in ambiguity the strong times of the interpreter. On the other hand, the central part contains a virtual counterpoint with multiple voices, as J.S Bach did, a monodic instrument can generate different voices, in this case a constantly descending fugue.

The fall of the fugue.
Matías Fernández Rosales Etude d'illusion 1 - Printed version
Printed Version
For Vibraphone and electronic soundtrack
Duration 10'15
The perfect metronomic time is an illusion.
A utopia that no living being is able to achieve without the help of the machines of regularity : like a metronome, a clock, a calendar or a routine that locks us into monotony.
Unlike the current use that we give to the machines of regularity, here the machine has for objective to make an illusion; the constancy that the interpreter proposes will be altered by micro-variations of tempo, generating improbable and unimaginable rhythmic relations, going until putting in ambiguity the strong times of the interpreter. On the other hand, the central part contains a virtual counterpoint with multiple voices, as J.S Bach did, a monodic instrument can generate different voices, in this case a constantly descending fugue.

The fall of the fugue.

Pdf version, Click here
Matías Fernández Rosales Etude d'illusion 2 - Printed version
Printed Version
For Oboe and live electronic
Duration 10'
The delicacy of a faint seems in itself a contradiction.
How can we feel softness in a violent fall?
If our body confuses us to avoid the pain of the fall, will it also be possible to deceive our auditory perception in a melodic twist doomed to an irreversible fall?
Is it possible that a solo instrument can configure a polyphonic sound, rising and falling at the same time to absorb the blow of an imminent fall?
Étude d'illusion 2, attempts to answer these questions through a musical language that is constantly transforming with real-time audio transformation processes.

Pdf version, Click here
Matías Fernández Rosales Etude d'illusion 2- Pdf
Pdf Version
For Oboe and live electronic
Duration 10'
The delicacy of a faint seems in itself a contradiction.
How can we feel softness in a violent fall?
If our body confuses us to avoid the pain of the fall, will it also be possible to deceive our auditory perception in a melodic twist doomed to an irreversible fall?
Is it possible that a solo instrument can configure a polyphonic sound, rising and falling at the same time to absorb the blow of an imminent fall?
Étude d'illusion 2, attempts to answer these questions through a musical language that is constantly transforming with real-time audio transformation processes.