Arnaud Desvignes

Arnaud Desvignes

Arnaud Desvignes Sonate pour clarinette - pdf
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Sonate pour clarinette
ClarinetDuration 12’
Round hair exhale caressingly, a joyful murmur on the angel’s forehead. Step after step are woven her elated visions, the vision of a path following the air of your voice. From your luminous face stir the two pulps of your mouth. This malleable rain promises such sweetness. From your voice, an able body shall arise. Translated by Antoine BARGEL
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Arnaud Desvignes Sonate pour clarinette - printed version
Sonate pour clarinette
ClarinetDuration 12’
Round hair exhale caressingly, a joyful murmur on the angel’s forehead. Step after step are woven her elated visions, the vision of a path following the air of your voice. From your luminous face stir the two pulps of your mouth. This malleable rain promises such sweetness. From your voice, an able body shall arise. Translated by Antoine BARGEL
Arnaud Desvignes Sub Sole - pdf
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Sub Sole
Barytone Saxophone  and Piano
duration 10'00
What's there to add to the paradoxes? Another sequence of sounds? Who is already lost in the night?
Hard to say, in the daily flow. Keeping one's word in secret. For the little of an ear.
Saying it slowly. Slowly. Against speed in violence already eating the stone.
Chasing the wind, like a rider chases windmills. To break its back, but what does it matter?
To whisper the secret of a road, always the same, to freshen the grass at your feet.

Printed version,Click here

Carl-Emmanuel Fisbach [saxophone] et Wenjiao Wang [piano]
Arnaud Desvignes Sub Sole - Printed version
Sub Sole
Barytone Saxophone  and Piano
duration 10'00
What's there to add to the paradoxes? Another sequence of sounds? Who is already lost in the night?
Hard to say, in the daily flow. Keeping one's word in secret. For the little of an ear.
Saying it slowly. Slowly. Against speed in violence already eating the stone.
Chasing the wind, like a rider chases windmills. To break its back, but what does it matter?
To whisper the secret of a road, always the same, to freshen the grass at your feet.

Carl-Emmanuel Fisbach [saxophone] et Wenjiao Wang [piano]